Volunteers For Education empowers communities through education.

We are dedicated to help more children get the education they deserve

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Current projects


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Hua Sat Primary School

In construction

      Goal: $ 75,000             Raised: $ 75,000
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Sinh Phinh 2 primary school 
      Goal: $ 29,500                          Raised: 0

Build and Repair Schools

Many schools in mountainous provinces are in poor condition. Built out of shoddy materials, and poorly maintained, they are at continued risk due to the region’s torrential weather.

Educate and Encourage Sustainable Living

We believe charity should not be a one-off action. Through our educational programs for children, we help build sustainable communities.

Improve Sanitary Conditions

Many people have no access to basic sanitation. We supply sanitary necessaries such as proper toilets and drainage systems to improve sanitation.


We support needy people living in mountainous provinces and remote areas in Vietnam. Our focus is on children and their education. We see education as an imperative tool for children to realize their maximum potential by gaining crucial skills and dispositions that set them on the path of social and economic empowerment.

Our Work

We are a team of young and energetic people who share a common compassion toward the most vulnerable groups. Founded mid-2017, our organization aims to build a better and more sustainable life for needy people living in mountainous provinces and remote rural areas of Vietnam. We focus mainly on providing standard educational conditions, as we believe that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

Vietnam has one of the densest populations in the world. Although its economy is booming, the proportion of the population living below the national poverty level is still high. The mountainous provinces are the poorest regions of Vietnam, where many ethnic minorities live. Without any stable income, people in these areas rely mostly on governmental subsidies.

Each community has its own needs and assets, as well as its own culture and social structure. By talking directly to the community, we can identify local needs and how to improve these issues in the most logical and efficient way possible.

From the beginning, we were driven by the conviction that every child deserves access to quality education, and a safe and secure learning environment is essential for educational success.

Breaking Ground on New Facilities for Sinh Phinh 2 Primary School

The groundbreaking ceremony symbolized our collective commitment to improving the educational environment for students in this remote area.

Progress at Sinh Phinh 2: Foundation Done

We are excited to share that the foundation for the new boarding house at Sinh Phinh 2 Primary School is now complete

Evaluating Our Impact at Hang Sung Kindergarten

This visit was an opportunity to assess how these facilities have been used and maintained over the years and how they are continuing to support the school community.

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Vietnam - Fact & Figures

"Behind every number is a person"

The challenges

  • Lack of educational infrastructure in remote areas
  • Poor, unsafe and unhygienic learning environments
  • Lack of awareness for the importance of education
  • Students live too far away from the school to walk
  • Lack of transportation to school
  • Lack of places to stay at school or close to school

How you can make a difference in 2023


Over the last 15 years, Vietnam has experienced significant economic growth and also achieved respectable reduction of poverty. However, the results of the survey and review of the new multidimensional poverty criteria (approved in 2021) show that the percentage of poor and near-poor households has increased from 5.2% (in 2020) to 9.35% (in 2022). Notably, the percentage of poor and near-poor households in ethnic minority in Vietnam is 3.5 times higher than the country’s average.


In a recent estimate conducted by UNICEF it was shown that approximately 1.5 million orphans live in Vietnam. That number increased due to Covid19. The pandemic has made 4,461 Vietnamese children orphaned. 20% of the children under the age of 5 years are malnourished. Almost 30% of the children under the age of 16 live in poverty based on education, shelter, social inclusion, health and protection. The majority of them live in the Mekong Delta and North East/West Vietnam


90% of the children are enrolled in primary schools, but only 60% of the children of ethnic minorities. Of those 60%, 1/3 drop out of school for economic reasons before completing a grade. Preschools (age 3-5 appears to be the best age to improve workforce productivity) have an attendance rate of only 58%. In rural areas, this rate decreases even further to only 5-9%.

Our vision is to create a self-sustainable life for the less privileged. Our main focus is on potential problems that hinder local community and the children from development.

Our Vision

Vietnam has one of the densest populations in the world. Although its economy is booming, the proportion of the population living below the national poverty level is still high. The mountainous provinces are the poorest regions of Vietnam, where many ethnic minorities live. Without any stable income, people in these areas rely mostly on governmental subsidies. They can hardly afford their children’s tuition fees. VFE in collaboration with local authorities and competent agencies provide essential support for needy families with children at school age. Thereby, the less privileged would be able to receive standard education conditions, which indirectly help them to become responsible and knowledgeable citizens and help to develop their locality and community.

Our Mission

While a lot has changed in five years, our commitment to quality education
in remote areas of Vietnam remains

Our Values

We respect the local common laws and regulations. We also comply with a stringent anti-corruption Code of Conduct.
Our focus is on children. We work to fight child abuse and strengthen their rights as equal members of society.
Children are the priority
We ensure that donations are used as intended. We are involved in all stages of every project, and we provide complete oversight of the work process to prevent the misuse or misappropriation of funds.
Micro Management
Highest efficiency with lowest management cost’ is our motto. In VFE, we make sure that at least 90% of your donation will be invested in our projects.
Cost Efficiency
We encourage and foster teamwork. We believe that success is built from great teamwork and close collaboration between the VFE team, the community and the authorities.
Team Work
In VFE, accountability and transparency go hand-in-hand. We proactively give our donors, beneficiaries and other stakeholders a clear overview of how the charity works, its clients and its fundraising.
Transparency & Accountability

Our Team

Alexander Paulus

Co-Founder, Fundraiser and Head of Projects
Grown up in a middle-class family I have everything I can ask for, including a loving family and success in my professional career. I can not find any explanation except luck for me deserving to be part of a small group who lives on the worry-free side of the world while many people live in misery and try to survive on a daily basis.

After more than 20 years working as an international oil trader and being responsible for an office of about 20 people, I felt the need for a change.

I decided that it is time to give back a part of what I received and try to change the world even if it is only on a rather small scale. Nevertheless, if there are more people out there joining our cause, we together can create a more just world.

I decided to start helping the weakest link in our society, the children in one of the poorest areas of the world. To change injustice and to create a sustainable planet each human being requires an education. We will do our outmost to achieve the goal to provide as many children as possible in South-East Asia an education because education is a human right!

Be part of our cause and support us with whatever you can. The children will be very thankful.

Phone: +41 79 769 69 38 / +65 9239 9433
Email: alex@volunteersforeducation.com

Phone: +84 904 738 633
Email: phuong@volunteersforeducation.com

Nguyen Huyen Phuong

Co-Founder, Head of Administration and Office Manager
Ever since working with VFE, the young and talented businesswoman has been being the CEO of VEO organization, a network of young volunteers in Vietnam. She has been expanding the VEO network to a different level so it became a community model.

Along with her vast experience in working with the Big 4 as well as being one of the main access in Global Shaper Hanoi Hub, Mrs. Phuong is also well known for her sharply strategic mind and passion on developing the common good. With all about experiences and ambitions for sustainable development for poor and underprivileged people in Vietnam, she is believed to promote VFE activities and network.

Brigitte Paulus

Head of Finance
Holding a degree in economics, I have been working as an auditor for eight years and graduated as chartered accountant at the same time. I continued my career in an international oil company in which I have been responsible for the financial consolidation.

This was the time when I met my husband. Together with our young daughter we moved to Singapore from where we discovered the beauty, but also the partly extreme poverty in South East Asia. This made me to support the willingness of my husband to open his own charity organization. Due to my professional background, I will take care of the finances and the accounts of VFE.

Phone: +41 79 796 80 58
Email: brigitte@volunteersforeducation.com

Nguyen Thu Thao

Project Coordinator
As a project coordinator of a volunteering organization, I have chance to visit lots of different places in mountainous areas in the north of Vietnam. At those places, I meet local people with a low living standard. I also meet lots of kids facing very poor studying conditions such as punk schools or schools which are lacking books. I realize that I am more fortunate and I should do something to help them. Becoming a member of Volunteers For Education (VFE), I want to support more children in remote areas to have better studying conditions. I believe that education is the most effective way to improve the standard of living for the poor and disadvantaged people in my country.

There is a quote that says: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Phone: +84 967 916 697
Email: thao@volunteersforeducation.com

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